Include FAQs Answer #25
While we try our best to process your order as quickly as possible, sometimes errors can occur in fulfilling an order. Other times, the merchandise may be damaged during the shipping process. In these situations we want to do everything we can to fix the error as quickly as possible. If we made an error in the fulfillment of your order (e.g. you received an item you did not order) or if our shipping guarantee was not met, follow the instructions below.
Depending on the item you ordered and the time of year, we may be able to ship the correct item immediately. In other cases that may not be possible. The customer service representative responding to your claim will let you know what we can do and the time frame in which we can do it. In either case, we will need the incorrect item returned to us. Go to our Return Policy for more details about returning your package.
All items are thoroughly checked prior to shipping. If an item is damaged, missing pieces, wrong item sent or destroyed in shipping, please contact us within 24 hours from the date you received the package (excluding Saturday and Sunday). After 24 hours have passed, humanhair-lacewigs will not be responsible for the items.